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Uebergame Download] [FULL]


Updated: Mar 12, 2020

About This Game A truly free and open source multiplayer shooter, no strings attached. Have casual deathmatch matches on various scenarios. Build your own levels with the ingame editor and assets that come with the game, or just play around and use it as a sandbox. Features: -Free. -Open source. -No pay to win. -Modding friendly. -Easy to use ingame editor. -A big variety of levels and game-modes. -Fully transparent development process. -Community based, so everyone can make suggestions. Some additional notes for all who actually read the description: -This is an indie game and developed by mostly one person (me). -This game does not use Unity or Unreal engine or any products bought from asset stores. -This is an experimental volunteer project and not a final product, but a continous work in progress. -This could/should have been labeled as early access, but I pressed the wrong button, so this option is gone now, deal with it. -This project is an attempt to bring back the good old days. -This is the attempt on offering an alternative for those who want one, if you are happy with the current commercial aaa titles, this game here is likely not for you. 6d5b4406ea Title: UebergameGenre: Action, Casual, Free to Play, IndieDeveloper:DuionPublisher:DuionRelease Date: 24 Dec, 2014 Uebergame Download] [FULL] uebergame ubuntu. uebergame download. uebergame gameplay. uebergame mods idk i need this for a badge. English)Shooter with the modest name Uebergame (Sverige that is). Whether the German developers awesome irony, or outrageous delusions of grandeur.- in the game the whole 3 of them! Gun, machine gun, grenade launcher on it, mines. All. This is the army, son.- game in a SINGLE mode! Deathmatch. Say even in the first Duma modes? Not heard.- in the game as much as a few pieces of cards made using the same template - ruins\buildings\bunkers in the center, and the endless desert\forest sides. Moreover, there are breaks in the level, Hello Flat world of Terry Pratchett!- in the game there is no choice of character skins. But you can change the color for example on the fashionable blue tint, and you can also put the mode of 3 persons, with terribly jerky and curve animation.- the game has a map editor, though, who needs all the "pros" of this game.- the game has no official servers. And almost no players, although who is going to play?Going to the site. you can see the tremendous library of free textures, sounds and all. That's apparently developed and decided in my spare time to make this kind of LEGO. But, as his hands are splayed, turned that piece of♥♥♥♥♥♥ And by the way who do not understand-in this review do not dash, and not even a minus. 1/10(Русский)Шутер со скромным Uebergame имя (Свериге это). Будут ли немецкие разработчики удивительной иронией, или возмутительно манией величия.- в игре всего 3 из них! Пистолет, пулемет, гранатомет на нем, шахты. Все. Это армия, сынок.- игры в одиночном режиме! Дефматч. Говорят, даже в первом режимов Думы? Не слышал.- в игре аж несколько штук карт, сделанных по одному шаблону - руины\зданий\бункеры в центре, и бесконечная пустыня\лес по бокам. Кроме того, есть разрывы в уровне Привет "плоский мир" Терри Пратчетта!- в игре нет выбора персонажа. Но вы можете изменить цвет, например на модный синий оттенок, и вы можете также поставить режим из 3-х человек, с жутко дерганная и кривая анимация.- в игре есть редактор карт, хотя, кому нужны все "плюсы" этой игры.- в игре нет официальных серверах. И почти нет игроков, хотя кто будет играть?Зайдя на сайт. вы можете увидеть огромную библиотеку бесплатных текстур, звуков и все. Вот видимо разрабы и решили в свободное время, чтобы сделать этот вид Лего. Но, так как руки кривоваты, оказалось что кусок ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥а. И кстати, кто не понял-в этом обзоре не тире, и даже не минус. 1/10. Best game 2017. Really Fun fpscompletely 100% free to play (no store)very very easy to learndoes not require super machinesalthough still in development next to 0 bugs ive seen in 6 hours of playeverybody has the same 2 weapons its all based on skill and experience.4 mildly sized maps with day and night modes. I had high hopes for this game it disapoint!2/10Was a game Uebergame released: Uebergame goes on with a new fancy version.New features:-Fancy 3D realtime main menu background system-6 Different 3D main menu backgrounds so far-Background music tracks for each main menu and loading screen-TG_DesertRuins and TG_Fields have some new vegatation models-Lots of new vegetation models and terrain textures for the editor-Credits menu that lists names of all content creators-Visual Developer-Tools Gui to launch the developer tools from-Editor template system, to help newbies getting started with level editing-6 Different empty level templates 3x empty levels and 3x with a terrain-Fixed bug where players ended up on the same team in deathmatch mode-Removed some not so nice animations for weapons-New iron sight aiming and scope zooming system that works more flawless and fixes some bugs related to that-Slight balancing changes to weapons-And as always several minor adjustments and fixes I forgot or are not worth mentioning. Uebergame released: Since the initial release turned out to have a bunch of issues here and there I hurried to bring out a hotfix update to fix some of them and also add some new content for more variation.Changelog:-New level variations added:Dawn, night and rain versions for TG_BuildingSite, TG_DirtPit and TG_Fields for a total of 9 new different weather settings.-Some bugfixes that should make servers a bit more stable.-Default settings changed to better values for new players.-Settings in server options now save.-You can sneak now when walking while ducked, it makes no noise or footprints then.-Improved controls when sprinting.-Corpses stay on the ground for a bit.-Fixed instant respawn.-Players should no longer be falsely labeled with [Bot].-Fixed getting stuck on ammo boxes, you can now walk smoothly past them.-Changed some of the ammo box locations on TG_BuildingSite, to make the main building roof less of an overpowered location.-And a bunch of other small tweaks.Servers are not up yet, it turned out to be more complicated than thought. So I hope there will be some more volunteers setting up games for people in the meantime.If someone wants to volunteer running a dedicated server temporarily and has problems with it, he can contact me for some support.. Uebergame released: Uebergame brings a complete redesign of the game mechanics and lots of new features.It is the biggest update so far and involves a complete restructuring of the game's code, which is the reason it took so long, especially since a lot of testing was needed to get it halfway stable.There are so many changes, that the list would be too long, so I only list the big major changes.Changelog:-Weapon loadout system, where you can customize your starting equipment-4 main weapons: assault rifle, sniper rifle, shotgun and grenade launcher-4 types of grenades: frag grenade, smoke grenade, shape charge and timebomb-2 special abilities: munitions and medic, munitions can drop ammo and medic can drop medikits-Iron sight mode, lets you aim down sights or looks through sniper scope, it provides zoom and more accurate shooting-New hosting menu, it lets you start matches based on game type and has an advanced server options menu-New join menu, with more features and displays-4 game modes to chose from: deathmatch, team deathmatch, paintball deathmatch and paintball team deathmatch-Completely updated options menu with lots of new features, such as skin preview, field of view changer etc-Updated graphics options: More easy to use graphics options, some new features such as an "Ueber" quality level, which improves the graphics a bit more for those people with high end graphics cards-Ingame admin interface, which lets you manage admin/super-admin permissions inside the game and lots of admin commands to use such as kick users etc-New ingame features: Fire teams, quick chat system, voting system and a spectator mode-New ingame HUD and new loading, endgame and score GUIsSo those are most of the changes.One more advice if you play the new version for the first time, you need to press "i" before the round to adjust your loadout. This is especially important if game type is changed and you play paintball for example, then you need to change to paintballer and give yourself a paintball weapon, otherwise you start without a weapon and better save your favorite loadouts to a unique slot, so you can quickly switch them if needed.For people who want to host dedicated servers, the process has changed as well and you will need to update your server launch scripts as well as download a new dedicated server build, but I will update the tutorials with the new instructions and scripts.. Uebergame released: This update adds a mostly nonexistent Battle Royale game mode and 4 completely new large scale levels exclusively made for that game mode.The backstory is that, since almost every multiplayer game has Battle Royale style game modes now, I thought I need that as well, or better said, people suggested that to me. I even met people who wanted to team up with me creating such game modes, two of those seemed serious with it, so we set up tasks to do and a schedule, where I would be designing the levels and the other person would do the coding. To make the long story short, the other people all ran away, without having done anything and I of course did my part and finished the levels. Since the creation of those large scale maps took so long I wanted to release it anyway so they can at least be played without having to wait even longer for the game mode to finish, that is why the game mode is mostly nonexistent so far, except a few improvised features I quickly made to make it all work.Other changes in this version are of course some new art assets mostly for the new levels, some fixes for the art assets, some gameplay balancing changes and a single player game mode template, for developers. The story behind the single player game mode is, that before I planend to do the Battle Royale game mode we planned to create a single player game mode, which meant someone was helping me with it and he actually did some coding, but then also ran away and was not seen again, that is why that gamemode is not in use yet and only a template as inspiration for developers.And finally a short description of the new levels:1. Riverside ParkA medicore sized park area, roughly 0.5 x 0.5 km in size. In the middle it is crossed by a big alley road next to a river and on the sides you can follow several footpaths through the park area. It also includes some lakes and little forests.2. Volcav IslandAlso 0.5 x 0.5 km in size, but this time it is an island with a volcano like mountain in the middle you can climb and below there is a rather large cave system you can use to walk underground from one side of the island to the next. It features dense, but small vegetation without big trees, so it only offers decent cover, if you duck behind it. It also features the recycled lighthouse from the watertown level adding a little more playable area to the rather small level.3. Lonerock IslandThis is a big island 1x1km in size. It is very high with very steep walkways, but in between there are occasional flat areas with pretty dense forests. You can climb most of the mountain peaks, which gives you a great overview and great possibilities to snipe, but you are also pretty visible and it often takes some time to climb onto there.4. Rocky HighlandsThis is probably the biggest map this update, though also 1x1 km in size, but since it is not an island, but a square area, it features a more playable terrain. The level is set in the mountains, but also feels mediterranean from the looks. In the middle there are a few little mountains and inbetween in the valleys there is a road network with little villages of up to a few buildings each, which are fully accessible.. Uebergame released: Finally version is out. This is also the two year anniversary of Uebergame. It was two years ago when the first alpha was released on 24th december 2014. It is not on steam since that, the Steam version was released roughly one year later at 26th october 2015.Main new features are:-Bots !!!-Engine and renderer update for better performance-Visual interface overhaul-Potato supportSo this version took a little longer since there were some major changes. For example the engine update took a little longer, since it also introduced new bugs that had to be solved again and so on. It is not fully done yet, only a part of it, so the performance gain is not very big, if any at all, depending on settings. But the graphic settings were improved and a new quality level was added called "Potato" which can be used to gain additional performance on very very slow computers. It runs smooth on Integrated graphic chips on those settings, so that should be enough. Then the bots were also a pretty big new feature, as they needed to be taught to be able to play all gametypes, all levels and use the equipment. Bots are also integrated into the voting system, so players on a server can vote, if bots should be added or kicked automatically. Additionally the hosting dialog was improved to directly have a slider where you can quickly add bots, if you want to host a server yourself, or play offline.And finally the whole user interface has gotten a big overhaul as well. There are animated buttons now for the bigger menus and buttons have sound effects now. Overall the layouts of the different menus and dialoges have been improved to make it more ergonomic, as well as many new features have been added, like players where you can play demo recordings of your game using the build in demo recording function.The new design philosophy of the main menu is to provide a mega-menu, where every feature can be accessed directly from anywhere, no matter if you are in the main menu or in a game, this saves some time, as you no longer need to quit first, to access the main menu. It also helps those people who did not know that there was a server voting menu or an armory where you could choose your equipment, since those have menu buttons now as well.And finally finally there have been many small adjustments, improvements and bugfixes as well, like some more server options, overall a bit better default settings, a greatly improved help menu that offers a full manual of all the games features now and some other stuff I forgot.. Uebergame released: This version adds 3 complete new levels in the tropical pacific style, with 4 variations each as known from the other levels, like at dawn, by day, by night and in rain.1.Pazifik_Kitney_Beach: A small tropical island with moderately dense vegetation, it is very symmetrical, to offer better balance on teamplay modes.2.Pazifik_Gardens: A small tropical island in the form of an atoll with more orderly and thicker vegetation with occasional flowerbeds.3.Pazifik_Watertown: This level has no land, it is a small town of primitive wooden huts completely build on poles in the shallow ocean, around a big lighthouse, that has fully walkable interiors.Apart from the new levels there have not been many changes except some small adjustments and bugfixes.Other changes in this version are:-Particle effect have been adjusted more to the ambient light, so they are no longer that bright in dark areas.-Random tips on level loading.-Slightly improved postFX settings on some darker levels.-Fixed a bug saying "password required" where it would lock people out of the game, or making them not being able to launch games when they had a password set previously on hosting a server.-Of course lots of new textures, 3D models etc that are used in the new levels and of course can be used when building new levels in the editor.-And as always a bunch of small changes not worth mentioning.


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